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Famous Dialog Article

January 14, 2024 kursor No Comments

Famous Dialog Article

Person 1 Person 2

Hey there, have you ever wondered if taxes are refundable on a non-refundable airline ticket?

Not really, but I’m pretty sure they are not. How about the legal definition of a writ?

Good question! A writ is a legal document issued by a court that compels a party to take a specific action. Speaking of legal matters, do you know how to get disability tax credit?

That’s a great question! You can qualify for the disability tax credit if you have a severe and prolonged impairment that affects your ability to perform daily activities. On another note, have you ever used a pro forma contract template?

Yes, I have. It’s a useful tool for creating legal agreements. By the way, do you know the legal age to drive a forklift?

Yes, the legal age to drive a forklift is 18 years old. Speaking of legal matters, do you know if negligence in law is the same in all countries?

No, negligence laws can vary from country to country. On a different topic, have you ever thought about finding private business investors near you?

Actually, I have. It’s a good way to find local investment opportunities. How about the legality of prostitution in Thailand?

Prostitution is legal in certain areas of Thailand, but it’s a complex issue. On a different note, do you know who can certify documents for an Australian visa?

Yes, the list of authorized people who can certify documents for an Australian visa is quite extensive. On a different topic, have you ever considered getting into HR with a law degree?